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Published May 27, 2023

Charleston, SC – The Sport Venture Group Foundation is excited to announce the launch of its groundbreaking new division, Collective.University. Dedicated to providing comprehensive support and guidance to student-athletes, Collective.University aims to empower athletes as they navigate the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of collegiate athletics and seize the opportunities presented by Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) rights.

The landscape of collegiate athletics has evolved significantly in recent years, with new regulations allowing student-athletes to capitalize on their own name, image, and likeness. Understanding the complexities and potential of NIL rights, the Sport Venture Group Foundation saw the need to create Collective.University, a specialized division focused on equipping student-athletes with the knowledge, resources, and support necessary to thrive in this new era.

Collective.University will serve as a hub for student-athletes seeking guidance on navigating NIL opportunities, developing personal brands, and making informed decisions about endorsements, sponsorships, and other ventures. The division will provide expert advice, educational resources, and mentorship programs tailored specifically to the needs and aspirations of student-athletes.

The foundation’s vision for Collective.University is to empower student-athletes to make the most of their collegiate experience, both academically and athletically. By fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, Collective.University aims to help student-athletes balance their athletic commitments while gaining valuable life skills, networking opportunities, and financial literacy.

Through strategic partnerships and collaborations with industry experts, Collective.University will offer workshops, seminars, and webinars on topics such as personal branding, financial management, contract negotiation, and social media best practices. By providing student-athletes with the tools to understand and leverage their NIL rights responsibly, Collective.University aims to empower them to make informed decisions that will positively impact their future careers and personal growth.

The launch of Collective.University represents the Sport Venture Group Foundation’s commitment to championing the well-being and success of student-athletes. By bridging the gap between athletics and education, the foundation aims to create a holistic environment that fosters personal, academic, and athletic development.

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About Sport Venture Group Foundation

The Sport Venture Group Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the world of sports through innovation, education, and empowerment. Through its various initiatives, including Collective.University, the foundation aims to provide student-athletes with the resources, support, and opportunities they need to thrive both academically and athletically.

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